a sandcastle

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quick reviews

Tank Girl

a woman's face with blue skin sticking her tongue out in a steampunk aviator-type hat. the background is bright yellow and the text underneath the image reads 'Tank Girl' and under that reads 'shes coming spring 95' ★★★★☆

written reviews (i am not a film critic!)

Tank Girl

i gave Tank Girl 4/5 stars because i thought that the movie had an incredibly unique style and i found it overall pretty entertaining. however, for me a lot of the one-liners just didn't land.
the movie truly shines in the stylistic choices. from the poster to the opening scene, the theming is cohesive and makes for an incredibly entertaining watch. also, the widely interspersed frames from the original Tank Girl comics were so cool and they genuinely made me want to go and buy them.
the actors all looked like they were having fun with the roles and really making them their own, and i thought that the two leads, Lori Petty and Naomi Watts, worked really well together.
my only real complaint about this film is the writing, but i understand that not everything is going to be my cup of tea, so i still recommend this movie if you're looking for a short, fun, low-stakes watch.